
Showing posts from July, 2007

Ray of Hope

The sun that shines when the night is over, The moon that shines when the day just got over. The night has day with the sun bright and shining, Just like every dark cloud has a silver lining. Good and bad times come and go by, Just as the days and nights come and row by. Just like at the end of a tunnel, you see light, You must never give up and must always keep up the fight. You must keep going without losing hope, Even on feeling, you cannot cope. You must forget your trifling past, For your future is more important and undoubtedly vast. Towards the ray of hope as I float, I’d like to end this poem on an appropriate note. - Sanaya

Risk of Life

Life is a mix of various elements, It is a blend of risk, luck and common sense. Through life as we sail, The element of risk will always prevail. In life as you move on, In your way more risks will dawn. As one after another risk you overcome, The sound of more and more will always hum. But fret no more, for you will rise, And winning each risk will be your prize. Risk by risk as you take, Day after day, towards brighter plains you will wake. Towards your ultimate goal as you float, You will be dressed in a proud and confident coat. At the end, when you finally sail in the boat of success, You will have achieved nothing more and nothing less. -Sanaya