
Showing posts from 2020


 A storm so aggressive and strong, That came after a summer so long. Where uprooted trees without a sound, Lay dead and limp down on the ground. Among devastated branches, birds trying to find their nest, Nature putting their life’s work to the test. People wading through deep waters to get back home, Through debris filled waters they stride and roam.   Strays find dry patches trying not to drown, Everything’s wet with many a frown. Brown muddy water seeping in everywhere, A flood oozing from every crack and tear. Troubled people cursing destiny, For times filled with hardship and mutiny. But once the rain has stopped and floods recede, Washed buildings and lush greenery takes the lead.  City got cleansed as the floods took with it dirt and ill will.  A Fine new beginning and a clean bright future can be seen still.  -Sanaya. 

Rock Church

  Quaint, misty street through the mountains early in the day, Just passing through for a quick quiet stay.  Strolling up the sidewalk hearing sweet chimes amongst a thick green hedge, Spotted a half covered mountainous grassy ledge. Peeped off the path towards the valley, only to behold this magnificent sight, A church so easy to miss but such a grateful delight. A beautiful old stone church carved on the edge of a mountain, out of a cliff, Surrounded by creamy white clouds adrift.  Overlooking the sky and the sea down below, Inside it were stone pews chiseled from the ground up in a long neat row.  Carefully hidden structure high up and away from the shore,  with bright, white washed walls and an old grey slate floor. Nestled inside a tall white arch, lay a huge porcelain bell, whose chimes echoed all through the valley as peace befell. Smiling down gracefully was a beautiful Idol etched into the wall.  Inside this dreamy white church, that stood so proud and tall.  - Sanaya

A Snowflake

  A snowflake drifted wearily towards the earth from the early morning sky, soft sunlit rays streaming down and adding a glow up high.  Towards the earth it drifted weightlessly, suddenly caught and stuck on a warm tall chimney.  Moving gently and ever so slow,  it rolled down the rooftop with a drop of melted snow.  It slid down the window pane, onto the glass and stuck again.  Inside the tranquil, neat home, well kept and pristine, warm cookies, half burnt candles and a Christmas tree could be seen.  A couple nestled on the sofa looking sadly at their foster son, sitting by the tree.  Small child playing with an old toy eager to open gifts and see.  For it might be their last family Christmas together,  as he might be taken away and into foster care by the end of December.  Innocent child opening gifts with a bright grin, oblivious to the grief and playing with his new toys with full attention.  Quiet Christmas morning while the little child was sitting on the floor, a lady from the

Red Mountain House

  Red town house amongst green mountains standing tall and proud, With its bright red walls that stand out in a crowd. Layered grasslands well organised and clean, Sometimes snowy and sometimes half green. Laying down after a long day, on a slope at a height, White peaks flashing n shimmering in the moonlight. Sprawling green fields in the springs, With new flowers; fresh memories it brings. Magenta, yellow and verdant everywhere, Strong winds whipping past, without a care.  An early start each day to prepare for work, Old memories in the shadows they lurk. Pumpkins for Halloween and Christmas pine cones, All well kept in the gardens with bold undertones. Each day ends with bountiful memories, on a bitter sweet note. Fading into dreams and away they float.  -Sanaya

Dancing my dreams away...

How I long to dance on the smooth shiny floor, With my dancing shoes on, how I long to dance some more! Everyones feet tapping n dancing to a quick Spanish melody, Soothing to the mind and soul are key. Quick to embrace as we move from partner to partner, Diligently we listen to the teacher and follow her. Wonderful tango orchestras playing a bold tune,  To the extreme peace of mind we once again start getting immune.  Slow as the dusk approaches no time to waste; Dancing well into the hours of night with no haste. Leaves rustling and then wet with rain outside the window, The dancing will continue indoors, steady and slow. Don’t wake me up from this scintillating dream, However beautiful the morning may seem. When o when will we be back on the dance floor? Only to dance some more. - Sanaya

Difficult Times

Scrambling for food and daily items, hectic early mornings can be, mostly leading to reduced wastage and eating healthy. Gone are the days for a lavish meal,  but simple food and a healthy feel.  Planting seeds and using waste as fertilisers,  we grow organic food and indoor planters.  Parties and friends have turned into a virtual dream,  as we exchange pleasantries over a lit screen Time passing so slowly, accounting for every second ticked by,  looking out of the window we even notice the bee and the fly.  For those who keep busy all day,  it feels much like a normal summer in the month of May.  Kids trapped at home missing the great outdoor,  peeping through the windows with sad eyes for more.  Difficult, trying times come and go by,  with new, cherished memories that will stay until we die.  Hope and patience are the winners of a tough time,  see the good side of life, as it won’t cost you a dime! -Sanaya. 

Green Mountain

On a slope of green mountains, towering into the sky,  colourful birds with their soft, sweet chirps fly by.  Lofty steep slopes giving the clouds a push,  hidden in a corner, standing in all serenity, a delicate rose bush. Through it’s thorny bushes a mysterious view, seen,  down the blurry steep valley green.  A misty, verdant, sloping trance like a dream, startled with a soft splash of a polite stream.  Fractured sunlight through branches escape, as all of us have a destiny, to live out our fate.  Lighting up the rose bush and the tree tops, now glittering golden with scattered dew drops. Peace and quiet amidst the thin mountain air, so much nature and elegance around to care. A beautiful rose bud opening up to greet the newly fallen rays, with a few dried leaves and flowers, the wind plays.  Seeing the sun, beautiful, hidden foliage with a smile come out, they have every reason to shine and never to pout.  As the little

Forest Town

Among far off hill in an isolated town, no ill will or malice to be found.  Where people rely on each other, like sister and brother, and the townsfolk share and care for one another. Amidst strongly scented, wooded, green hills, pristine atmosphere, no need for luxurious frills. Cycling through the picturesque path, onwards into an alcove leading to a hot spring bath.  Bunches of colourful flowers sitting beautifully there, growing naturally as though arranged daintily with care.  Through the hills, gently sliding an articulate waterfall, a marvellous sight and soft sound coursing through the trees standing tall.  Forest pathways zigzagging through the thicket, with shady trees, making the place look cool and dimly lit.  Fog and misty air rendering the foliage moist and shiny, not a sound except the occasional rustling leaf or a passing bee.  Abundance of peace and tranquil air, soothing the mind and cleansing the soul with nat

A Falling Flower

Atop a light green blade of grass on a lawn, A shimmering moist dew drop sits in the early dawn. At the far end of this prairie, stands a small auburn hill, Filled with the blossoms of the Bougainville.  From a tall green branch, pinkish red flowers fly, Into the deep white clouded blue sky.  Leaving it’s existence behind.  Enticed and swept away by the wind, hopefully kind. Farewell to the others, on their branches, that cling, While little feathered creatures, chirp and sing.  Taking a leaf or two with it as it moves on, Crossing the mandarin sun, just waiting to be reborn.  Gracefully swaying and floating to the ground with care, Joining the dried out foliage lying crisply on the ground they now share.  Looking up at the new buds on the tree, A joyful new life traded in for an old one that is now free. 

An Archaic Stone Fountain

Sun spearing through leaves in a park, covered in one too many bark.  A drop of sunlight gracefully falling on the side of an old fountain of Stone, standing tall and full of pride, but all alone.  Dark grey pools of water and moss, with a white stone edge rounding it right across.  Grey fountain statues wrapped in one another, as though they were once each other’s brother.  Still black water shimmering in the sunlight, this quaint little fountain, almost out of sight.  Into the water were coins tossed carelessly,  with dried floating leaves, nothing we could see.  Sitting on the bench nearby nonchalantly,  enjoying the cool breeze under the shade of the tall oak tree.  Scrumptious picnic baskets, on red checked blankets,  where an occasional little bird comes and sits.  Strips of green grass with red flowers smiling at the sun,  children running about, in the summer, having so much fun.  -Sanaya

Dauntless Reindeer

Tottering in the woods; losing grip in the snow was a lost reindeer. Passing trees reflecting in wide brown eyes; tearing up with fear. Moving quickly, sliding on the slippery ground so wet, So cold she was and yet full of nervous sweat. Speeding, she scissored through the forest,  heart thumping; heading towards the way she knows best.  Leaping and Falling deep into a dark abyss. Down she went only to hear the wind with a soft hiss.  Heartbeat weak with death closing in with its icy hand;  not a sound to be heard in all the land.  Gods whisper, rest in peace reindeer! A calming hand upon her soul, trying to get home, her ultimate goal.  But she fought death tooth and nail, to get to her family of little ones without fail. As the dim rays of the morning sun fell upon her nose, towards the light, her head rose.  On her feet, though in pain, out of the ravine and on its way again.  With elated spirits, finally finding home

A Captivating Evening

Drizzled light falling on snow flaked branches; A marvellous year full of memories, both hers and his.  Shiny ornaments hung on corner trees, a wonderful moment to savour and seize.  Mellow lights and shadows bringing cheer, people indulging in extravagance to make life happier.  Shiny wooden tables reflecting the spotlight, drinks guzzled and dinner cherished with every bite.  Romantic couples taking their time and space,  with joyous chatter and excitement on their face.  Lingering there with wine filled, swirling glasses and savouring food,  all through the evening, a congenital vibe and a soothing mood.  Soft music floating through the air; With each other, delightful nostalgia we get to share.  Short stairway leading up to a heavenly meal; Something that means to us, a great deal.  Fine dining with crowds getting noisy; Drift away! The night is still young and so are we.  -Sanaya