The Beauty of the day turning into the night...

As the reflection of the sun falls on the ripples of the sea,
Shining on the water the rays reflect off and dash into the sky,
Flying in the air are the birds forming a “v” as one can clearly see;
Who float smoothly through the clouds and pass by…

As the glittering bright sun peeks from behind the fluffy cluster of cloud,
Its rays fall on the deep blue sea spreading its light as it descends
Over the water, birds and seagulls squeal aloud
As the sun sets, the troubles of the day, it mends…

When the sun sets behind the water, it disappears slowly in the horizon,
Taking the bright light with it, leaving behind the residue of a shadowy night,
With barely the sight of dusk or dawn
As the darkness creeps in slowly just like a thick blanket of dark granite…

With a twix of beauty and grace, as the sun descends, and day becomes night,
The moon and the stars begin to peek out and show their light.
Slowly creeping out of the trees and woods, nocturnal creatures start to howl and fight.
Soon the sun disappears completely and the silvery moon and crystal stars start getting bright…

As the night falls, the temperature begins to plunge as the icy wind starts to blow,
Crystallizing the droplets and beads of moisture into snow;
Slowly as the winter sets in, pieces of ice, in the sea water begin to row,
At night, in the moon light, the snow turns to a ghastly white and over the water starts to glow…



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