A Blissful Soul's Reverie

Life is full of disappointments and hope,
That makes you strong to trudge through and cope.

Let life lead you the way it intends,
Allow the road to guide you through the moments it lends.

Go like a breeze in the direction that destiny pushes you,
Try your best, stay adrift and true.

In the wind, like leaves you must float,
In a storm, find your ground in life’s boat.

Be kind and flexible to new ideas and aspirations,
All of which will take time and demand a lot of patience.

Know when to stop and don’t push until you drop,
Try another route, wait and then get to the top.

Don’t be like the foolish bee,
Endlessly hitting a glass; falling with no energy.

To us, this wonderful life the almighty has leant,
Always be thankful and tolerant.

Towards provocation be safe and persistent,
Preserve life; it's a gift to us, God sent.

Indulge in temptation and rewarding pleasure,
Nevertheless take responsibility for your actions; it’s serious, not leisure.

Maybe you have many a friend,
But in time of need, not many a helping hand they may lend.

Be thankful for the simple folks who help you most hours of the day,
They are the ones with you for most steps in life’s way.

Never live each day as if its your last,
Life is so short; it will scamper away only too fast.

Always go with the motto of one life; one chance,
Enticement and time will dance,
Keep a clear mind and make the desired decision at a glance.

Life’s trying times may put you through many a test.
Pursue hobbies and lead everyday to your happiest best.

See each day; with a beautiful bright new future to start,
Consistently pursue the things you do, that bring happiness to your heart.


Natasha.V said…
This one is my favorite!

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